
Contributions to application software


SharedVTK displaying a model of the Mario Laserna building at UNIANDES.

  • C-DIFFUSION, framework for cardiac diffusion MRI post-processing and analysis.

    Main developer.

  • inTag, an advanced software meant to calculate, display and analyse myocardial strains and intra-myocardial mechanics of the heart from tagged MR sequences.

    Contributions: implementation of an efficient interactive mesh-deformation algorithm, as well as the manager of reference studies.

  • SIMRI, MPI-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging simulator.

    Contributions: two new features have been added to this imaging simulator. The first one enables the application to load relaxation time maps. The second, verifies the coherence between the input data values (proton density and relaxation times) and makes adjustments if it is necesary.

  • GASW AHE plug-in, component for the Generic Application Service Wrapper (GASW) based on the functionalities of the Application Hosting Environment (AHE) in order to launch and monitor jobs as well as transfer associated data on High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources.

    Main developer.

  • ASquare and AGWorkspace, these applications are inside of a work group support system deployed to support interactive analysis and discussion of architectural projects. Users are allowed to create sketch-based annotations (with text and video), save a session keeping catalogues, stages (states which a session is divided into) and annotations of a persistent file.

    Main developer.

  • SharedPaint, a shared application for Access Grid (AG) designed to provide a record mechanism of annotations (drawings on a shared image). In September 2010 the SharedPaint v4.0 was included in the 3.2 bundle release for windows of Access Grid.

    Main developer.

  • Vulture, advanced visualisation framework for interactive rendering and landmark identification in volumetric medical images (DICOM Computed Tomography scans).

  • SharedVTK, a shared application for Access Grid linked to VTK (Visualisation ToolKit, by Kitware) to empower users with an interactive visualisation of 3D objects.

    Main developer.

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