
Dissemination of research results.

Simulation system for urban scenarios and teleconferencing, COLIVRI, UNIANDES.

Simulation system for urban scenarios and teleconferencing, UNIANDES.


  • C. Johnson et al., PRACE DECI (Distributed European Computing Initiative) Minisymposium in Parallel Computing - Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), vol 25, Advances in Parallel Computing, IOS Press, April 2014, pp. 805-812. [Online] Available: IOS Press Ebooks


  • T. Glatard, W.A. Romero, S. Zasada, P.V. Coveney, D. Friboulet. "A Virtual Imagin Platform for the Virtual Physiological Human", Proceedings of the Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2012 (VPH 2012), September 18-20, 2012, London, United Kingdom.


  • R. Villazón, W.A. Romero R, J.T. Hernández, "Media Space for Architecture Studio Courses: Interactive project analysis and discussion in Architecture Studio", Proceedings of the 29th eCAADe Conference, September 21-24, 2011, Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, pp.285-292. ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3


  • W. A. Romero R., H. Caballero, J. T. Hernández, F. de la Rosa and P. Figueroa, "AG-MOX: Infraestructura Colaborativa de Alto Rendimiento", Fifth Colombian Computing Conference (5CCC 2010), Cartagena de Indias, April 14-16, 2010.


  • W. A. Romero R., J.C. Ibarra, J. T. Hernández, S. Ordoñez, "Multi-modal simulation for urban mobility analysis: An approach based on a model of behaviour and infrastructure-related anomalies", 13th Congress of Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SiGraDi 2009 sp), November 16-18, São Paulo, Brazil. [Online] Available: CUMINCAD: Cumulative Index of Computer Aided Architectural Design.
  • J. T. Hernández, M.C. Ramírez, W. A. Romero R., "Cursos de Innovación con TICs en la Formación de Estudiantes de Pregrado", Proceedings of the XVII Iberian-American Conference on High Education in Computer Science (CIESC 2009), September 22-25, 2009, Pelotas, RS - Brazil. ISSN: 2175-9170
  • W. A. Romero R., J. T. Hernández,"Arquitectura Basada en HLA de un Sistema de Simulación Distribuido para Aplicaciones que Apoyan el Análisis de Proyectos de Desarrollo Urbano", Proceedings of the Fourth Colombian Computing Conference (4CCC 2009), April 23-25, 2009, Bucaramanga, Colombia. ISBN: 978-958-8166-43-8
  • W. A. Romero R. and J.M. Dana,"Performance Monitoring of the Software Frameworks for LHC Experiments", Proceedings of the First EELA-2 Conference, February 25-27, 2009, Bogotá, Madrid: Editorial CIEMAT, pp. 461-469. ISBN: 978-84-7834-600-4, [Online] Available: Proceedings of the First EELA-2
  • W. A. Romero R., H. Caballero, J. T. Hernández, F. de la Rosa and P. Figueroa, "Infrastructure Design and Implementation for Research Groups Collaboration in Latin America", Proceedings of the First EELA-2 Conference, February 25-27, 2009, Bogotá, Madrid: Editorial CIEMAT, pp. 471-475. ISBN: 978-84-7834-600-4, [Online] Available: Proceedings of the First EELA-2
  • W. A. Romero R., J. T. Hernández, J.C. Ibarra, S. Ordoñez, "Plataforma de simulación y visualización para el apoyo al análisis y toma de decisiones en proyectos de movilidad urbana", Revista de Ingeniería Universidad de los Andes, no. 29, pp. 52-58, May 2009. ISSN: 2011-0049 / 0121-4993 [Online] Available: Revista de Ingeniería


  • W.A. Romero. "Software para un sistema de adquisición de datos en experimentos de física de partículas con tecnología CAMAC", Ventana Informática, no. 12, pp. 135-146, June 2005. ISSN: 0123-9678, [Online] Available: Ventana Informática No. 12
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