Media Space for Architecture Studio Courses

Universidad de Los Andes

Media Space for Architecture Studio Courses, Universidad de los Andes.

Media Space for Architecture Studio Courses, UNIANDES.

Between July 2010 and July 2011, I worked as a Research Engineer at Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá D.C. - Colombia), within a joint R&D project between the Department of Architecture and the Visual Computing Research Group . This initiative attempts to analyse teaching and learning methodologies in architectural education; a strategy to incorporate IT in the relationships between students, staff and curriculum content.

To further provide a suitable learning environment and avoid not favourable habits for the learning experience, this project was leading a research to develop novel interactive environments and work group support systems. Especially for courses developed through a project-based learning model such as Architecture Studio.

Partial results have been published in the 29th eCAADe (Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) Conference Proceedings.


R. Villazón, W.A. Romero R, J.T. Hernández, "Media Space for Architecture Studio Courses: Interactive project analysis and discussion in Architecture Studio", Proceedings of the 29th eCAADe Conference, September 21-24, 2011, Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, pp.285-292. ISBN 978-9-4912070-1-3

Presentation slides

Media Space for Architecture Studio Courses: Interactive project analysis and discussion in Architecture Studio, The 29th eCAADe Conference, Slovenia, September 21-24, 2011.

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